Who Benefits From a BGS Degree? | A-State Online
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Arkansas State University

Who Benefits From a BGS Degree?

While you may have heard of a bachelor’s degree in general studies (BGS), you may not fully know about the degree and its advantages. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, a BGS is “an undifferentiated program that includes instruction in the general arts, general science, or unstructured studies.” The Institute for Education Sciences categorizes the degree as liberal arts and sciences or humanities.

A BGS degree is ideal for students who want to pursue a range of opportunities in any number of different fields — the program allows students to choose among many different subjects and skillsets. However, there are other students who also benefit from a BGS degree.

Nontraditional Students

The Non-Traditional Student Populations Network defines a nontraditional student as “any combination of part-time, adult learners, returning/re-entry, commuter, veteran, individuals who work full-time, who have dependents other than a spouse or partner or does not have a high school diploma.” The breadth of those classified as nontraditional makes it a rapidly growing student population.

Many nontraditional students benefit from BGS degree completion programs. These programs help students earn their degrees by applying credits from other institutions toward graduation requirements. It also is a popular option for those seeking a bachelor’s degree online, as the flexible scheduling of online degrees is often a big draw. The option has become so popular that in 2010, The Huffington Post reported that online course enrollment reached more than 6.1 million students.

BGS in a Degree Completion Program

A degree completion program also allows students who left school before completing a bachelor’s degree to return and earn the degree. Students with credits from another school or schools can apply those credits toward the BGS degree, and many schools offer credits for nontraditional activities, such as military training, independent study or community outreach.

Universities that offer bachelor’s degrees online, including degree completion options, understand that learning does not have to occur inside a classroom. Life experience can count just as much toward a degree as a college course. Community activists, military personnel and certified professionals can apply those experiences toward a degree. Given the flexibility of online degree programs, it is no wonder that over six million students have advanced their careers through these programs.

Learn more about the A-State online BGS degree program.


National Center for Education Statistics: General Studies

College Confidential: Is General Studies the Best or Worst Major You Can Pick?

NODA: Non-Traditional Student Populations Network

The Huffington Post: The Top Online Degree Programs

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