Career Flexibility With a BGS Degree | A-State Online
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Arkansas State University

Career Flexibility With a BGS Degree

If you’re ready to get your bachelor’s degree but not sure what to major in, a Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) might be a great fit. This flexible degree option allows you to study in a number of different academic disciplines and focus on building the skills that employers value.

Arkansas State’s online Bachelor of General Studies program lets you complete your degree in a fast and flexible manner, and you can choose courses aligned with your interests. Whether you want to start a new career or advance in your current one, a BGS degree will help you accomplish your goals.

A Major for Explorers

One of the most attractive features of a BGS degree is that it allows students to explore several career fields rather than a single path of study. Taking a variety of courses rather than focusing on one academic area can broaden your experience and challenge you in ways that lead to learning new things you never thought you could. Employers are always on the hunt for workers who can think critically and solve problems creatively, and the BGS degree is designed to help you acquire those key skills.

Composition, math, government, arts and humanities, social science, and life science classes are part of the core coursework, similar to requirements for most other bachelor’s degrees. The BGS also offers students many different options for study beyond the basic academic requirements. At Arkansas State, this includes courses in:

  • Technology
  • Communication
  • Criminology
  • Health
  • Sports and physical education
  • Political science
  • Sociology
  • Education and childhood services

If you’re already working in one of these career fields — and you need a bachelor’s degree to get promoted, move into management, or just better your career prospects — an online BGS program could be a great option.

The Flexibility to Change

Most undergraduate students change majors at some point during their college career, some more than once. This often results in extra time and money spent earning a degree. Completing new course prerequisites and requirements for a new major usually means spending extra semesters in school and paying additional tuition.

With a BGS degree, you have the flexibility to choose an area of emphasis that meets your academic goals, but you don’t have to switch departments or meet new degree program requirements if you ever change your mind. BGS students always move forward, never back. And with so many different courses and career fields to explore, a great new experience is always on the horizon.

Learn more about A-State’s online Bachelor of Science in General Studies program.


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