Benefits of Clinicals in an RN to BSN program | A-State Online
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Arkansas State University

Read About the Benefits of Clinicals at Arkansas State University

One of the most daunting things about nursing school is the clinical rotation. Even for nurses who have years of experience, there is something about clinicals that can cause anxiety. Nurses commonly wonder, when will I have time to complete clinicals while keeping my current job? What if I do not live near the school? Do they have partner facilities in my area? Will work hours translate to clinical hours?

Nurses and prospective nurses have these and many other questions as they prepare for the clinical rotation part of their degree. At Arkansas State University (A-State), you have the benefit of many partner facilities, access to instructors to guide you along the way and opportunities to pursue your specific interests in nursing. Your clinicals for A-State’s online Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program — called capstone practicum hours — will give you the confidence to succeed and prepare you for a rewarding career.

When Do My Clinicals Start and How Long Do They Last?

Your clinical rotation at A-State is a capstone course at the end of the online program. Because many working nurses have busy schedules, you will start planning your clinical rotation at the beginning of the program. This gives you time to make arrangements with your current employer and create a plan for any family responsibilities you may have.

The clinical rotation at A-State is a seven-week course. You will need to complete a total of 84 hours — all during the first six weeks. This averages out to 14 hours a week.

Where Can I Do My Clinical Rotation?

RNs often wonder where they can do their clinicals, especially if they do not live near their school. At A-State, you can do your clinical rotation where you currently work, as long as your employer hires RNs. You will need to identify someone at your facility who has a BSN or higher degree and who will agree to be your facilitator.

A-State has agreements with most hospitals in Arkansas and surrounding states. If a hospital or other healthcare facility in your area is not on that list, talk with your advisor; they can almost always make an agreement with a hospital near you.

Do Work Hours Count as Clinical Rotation Hours?

Since most RNs currently work in the field, they may wonder if their work hours can fulfill their clinical rotation requirement. It depends. During normal working hours, the healthcare facility where you work covers any malpractice or other insurance you might need. When nurses do their clinical hours, they usually cover their own insurance costs so the hospital is not liable for any problems that may arise. Malpractice insurance for student nurses can be very affordable. For instance, according to the Nurses Service Organization, student nurses can obtain coverage for as low as $43 a year.

The insurance coverage distinction usually separates work hours from the hours that satisfy your degree program’s requirements. In rare instances, healthcare facilities will provide insurance coverage to nurses during their clinical rotations, and in these cases, work hours can double as clinical hours. Check with your employer and program advisor for more information.

I Am Already an RN. Why Do I Need Clinicals?

As a working RN, you may already be familiar with most aspects of nursing care. How, then, is a clinical rotation different from your regular job? During your capstone practicum hours at A-State, you will choose a realistic issue that interests you. Do you have ideas about how to improve aftercare or theories about the emotional health of critically ill patients and how nurses can help?

A class that precedes your capstone course focuses on management and leadership, preparing you for your clinical rotation. During this course, you will develop a plan based on your interests. During your clinicals, you will put this plan to the test.

How to Survive Your Clinical Nurse Rotation

Even though you have been a practicing nurse for a while, you may still be a bit nervous about clinicals. Here are a few tips to get you through.

  • Make friends and establish a support system
  • Talk to your mentor about everything
  • Wear appropriate clothing for your school and the facility
  • Help your fellow nurses, both students and professionals
  • Do not complain
  • Avoid workplace gossip
  • Practice, practice, practice

RNs returning to school to earn their BSN online have nothing to fear when it comes to their clinical rotation. A-State makes it easy to find a partner hospital in your area and gives you time to adjust your busy schedule. The faculty will make sure you know what to expect every step of the way and prepare you to succeed.

Learn more about A-State’s online RN to BSN program.

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