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Arkansas State University

Leverage an Online RN to BSN Program for Military Advancement

Medics and corpsmen looking to advance their military careers and increase their opportunities should consider the benefits of an online RN to BSN program. Because many military nursing positions require a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, both those interested in continued military service and those interested in civilian positions can create opportunities by furthering their education. Additionally, nurses interested in positions of greater responsibility become eligible to serve as a nurse corps officer after earning a BSN. This line of service includes a Basic Officer Leadership Course, which offers managerial experience that benefits any position within the medical field.

Varied Work Environments

There are a wide range of duties, locations and specialties available to nurses in the U.S. military. Each military branch operates world-class health care facilities in the United States and abroad. The military also handles humanitarian crises around the world; completing an online RN to BSN program helps make nurses eligible for these challenging tours of duty.

Opportunities as an Officer

For those interested in assuming more responsibility for the care of military personnel and their families (as well as increasing compensation and retirement benefits), leadership roles provide a broader range of opportunity. These roles typically require additional education, such as an online RN to BSN program, as well as officer training. Among the duties assigned to nurse corps officers are commanding a nursing unit; supervising nursing care; and organizing inpatient, outpatient, and home care resources for patients and their families.

An online RN to BSN program can be an ideal choice for military personnel looking to advance their careers because it enables active-duty service men and women to continue working while earning the degree. Further, the practical nature of the program’s required courses offers information that students can apply immediately to their work in the field. Military personnel who have completed an RN to BSN program enjoy not only greater career advancement in the armed services but also civilian opportunities that value their managerial expertise and field experience.

Learn more about the A-State online RN to BSN program.


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