Social Media Integration in the Classroom
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Arkansas State University

How to Innovate the Classroom With Social Media Integration

The thoughtful use of social media in the classroom is an excellent way to create a modern and engaging learning environment. Skillful integration of social media has the potential to improve classroom communication and prepare students for a world in which online learning and remote jobs are becoming more common every day. While the benefits are apparent, however, it is important for teachers to understand the impact of social media before including it in their curriculum.

Benefits of Social Media in Education

Because so many of today’s students are already accustomed to communicating through social media, its integration into education tends to be seamless. Students who are more hesitant to speak in front of their classmates may find it easier to participate in discussions conducted via social media. Additionally, the use of social media can also eliminate the physical boundaries of the classroom, giving students access to more widespread, diverse sources of knowledge.

A recent study in Pakistan found that using social media as an educational tool could result in the following benefits:

  • A more personalized learning environment
  • Academic conversations that continue outside the classroom
  • Increased student confidence in mastery of new knowledge
  • Learning as a public, shared experience
  • Less hesitancy to participate in discussions
  • More active learning environments
  • Increased access to teachers

Strategies for Incorporating Social Media Into the Curriculum

It is easy to get excited about the potential benefits of incorporating social media into your teaching, but it is important to have a strategy in place before you begin. The world of social media can be distracting and risky; pre-planning can help minimize the opportunities for students to stray too far from the intended academic content.

Here are a few techniques to help you diversify your instructional methods:

  1. Share classroom-related updates via social media platforms.

Whether you decide to use Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, social media can help maintain active connections between and among all stakeholders. Administrators, teachers and students can instantly share important announcements, changes to the syllabus or assignments and updates on inclement weather or school closings. Teachers can also share links to online news articles or videos relevant to the topics being explored in class.

  1. Turn essay assignments into blog projects.

For generations, students have spent countless hours agonizing over handwritten or typed and printed essays or term papers. But with a little creativity and modern technology, you can update those assignments and assessments. Allowing students to present their essays in the digital realm may keep them more engaged with both your class and the topic. By giving students the option of submitting essays as blog posts, for example, you not only provide another way for them to display their progress, you also create a more comfortable space for discussions. It is also a great way to share students’ work with parents.

  1. Move your lectures to Facebook.

Since the onset of COVID-19, many musicians have used Facebook Groups to stream performances and connect with fans. Teachers can use this same strategy and livestream their own lectures. Remote learners could watch the lectures from home – or check out a recording of the lecture when time permits. Teachers could even invite experts from anywhere in the world to speak to their classes. The possibilities are endless.

Teachers can reap the benefits of social media by having a strategy and using the right platforms for the learning outcomes they have in mind. Students benefit from having a space where all can participate and have an equal voice in the discussion.

Learn more about A-State’s MSE in Curriculum & Instruction online program.


Dovepress: Impact of Social Media Integration in Teaching Methods on Exam Outcomes

Sprout Social: 12 Ways to Use Social Media for Education

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