What Is Interpersonal Communication? | A-State Online
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Arkansas State University

What Is Interpersonal Communication?

Have you ever wished you had responded differently in a staff meeting or asked better questions during a performance review? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. If your interpersonal communication skills rely heavily on texting and social media posts instead of meaningful, face-to-face conversation, there may be room for improvement.

Poor interpersonal communication skills can alienate co-workers and clients and leave employees feeling isolated in the workplace. Those looking to improve their interpersonal communication skills can do so by taking courses on the topic, such as those offered at Arkansas State University as part of the online Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies degree program.

What Is Interpersonal Communication?

Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages,” and includes not only what is said, but how it is communicated. It usually involves verbal, face-to-face communication with two or more people, and relies on tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures and body language. Mastering the ability to communicate meaningfully with colleagues, clients, friends and family in a variety of settings can transform your career and your life.

A Communication Degree Online Is a Roadmap to Success

Understanding how organizations communicate internally can help employees avoid the frustration of misunderstandings in conversation and correspondence. Strong interpersonal communication skills are the starting point to successfully navigating these situations, and they result in a healthier team with better relationships and outcomes. To that end, a communication degree online from A-State offers the theory and practice of communication in interpersonal, small groups, and public speaking contexts, emphasizing proficiency in message organization, delivery, and critical thinking.

Know the Difference Between Inter- and Intrapersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication involves a conversation between at least two people; intrapersonal communication refers to one’s internal thoughts and expressions, particularly those that determine solutions to problems. You practice intrapersonal communication when you are deep in thought or when you are meditating, praying or journaling.

Developing your intrapersonal communication skills can improve your interpersonal skills, for the two are profoundly . Both of these modes of communication “contribute to your emotional intelligence and your ability to communicate your needs, goals and ideas to others in an effective way. Your interpersonal skills are essential for collaboration, leadership and influence — but you can’t project those qualities until you develop good intrapersonal skills.”

Deepen Your Relationships

Everyone wants to be understood — in the workplace and at home. A communication degree online offers the strategies and tools to develop your interpersonal communication skills. You can learn how to communicate effectively in staff meetings, performance reviews, customer service interactions and many other situations, and increase the success of collaborations and partnerships. Outside the workplace, strong interpersonal communication skills can deepen interactions with friends and family.

Earl G. Graves, Sr., the founder of Black Enterprise magazine sums it up best: “I often say that all business is personal, and that whoever builds the best relationships wins. Similarly, there can be nothing more important on your business agenda than establishing and maintaining healthy personal and family relationships and enjoying real communication with your loved ones.”

Learn more about the Arkansas State online B.A. in Communication Studies degree program.


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