The Rise of the 'No Homework' School | A-State Online
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Arkansas State University

The Rise of the ‘No Homework’ School

Candidates pursuing an online Master of Science in Education in Educational Leadership degree can expect to study alternative methods of curricular design, classroom management, learning assessment and motivational techniques for a diverse population of learners.

One such alternative model is the idea of doing away with homework. Across the country, “no homework” schools are gaining popularity. While it may sound counterintuitive to education, “no homework” policies replace homework with family time and reading. The teachers, administrators and parents who support no homework policies often cite the following benefits.

Family Time Instead of Homework Time

One of the strongest arguments for no homework policies is that homework cuts down on valuable family time. When parents work full-time jobs and students are in school for most of the day, families have only a limited amount of time to spend together. If students must also complete hours of homework in the evening, that family time decreases even more.

Homework Creates Pressures and Stress in Students

Those who argue for no homework policies often cite examples of student stress and fatigue. Proponents of no homework policies say that students may develop frustrations or even aversions to learning if teachers constantly burden them with homework assignments.

Homework Is “Busy Work”

Some people say that homework does not enhance the retention of classroom material; homework is often simply “busy work” that teachers assign simply because they are expected to.

Emphasize Reading Instead

Many schools with no homework policies suggest that students spend time reading at home rather than completing busy work. When students have time to read books that interest them, they develop healthy relationships with reading. Because reading is a foundational skill for success in many other subject areas, this reading time is very beneficial.

As some schools do away with homework, teachers are learning how to make better use of the school day. When you earn your online master’s in education, you can expect to study these alternative models of instruction, including the rise of the no homework school.

Learn about the A-State online MSE in Educational Leadership program.


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