The Importance of Teacher Collaboration | A-State Online
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Arkansas State University

The Importance of Teacher Collaboration


Research suggests that today’s teachers and school administrators are more interested in teacher collaboration than previous generations. While it has historically been common for teachers to work independently, it is becoming more popular for teachers to work in teams. Proponents of teacher collaboration believe that teachers working together have a positive impact on each other and contribute naturally to school improvement. Specific types of teacher collaboration include working together in teams, sharing responsibilities, providing feedback and building trust.

By enrolling in an online Master of Science in Education in Educational Leadership degree, you can learn how to build learning communities that contribute to student success through the structural development of schools and the teachers working within them.

The Importance of Emotional Support for Teachers

Teaching can be exhausting and emotionally draining. Whether it’s a particularly challenging student or balancing work and home life (or both), stress is part of the job, and other teachers are invaluable sources of support. When teachers depend on one another for support, they develop relationships based on trust and empathy. These regular interactions are important in forming lasting professional and mentorship relationships. When teachers feel supported, they can better extend that same support to their students.

Use Technology to Connect With Colleagues

Technology now allows us to collaborate virtually via Google Docs, Trello and a number of other online sharing platforms. Teachers can connect easily online by exchanging email, sharing documents, helping to edit worksheets or even sharing funny videos. This is a great way to stay connected and to develop a personal relationship with other educators in and out of the classroom.

Delegate Tasks Based on Strengths

When teachers collaborate, the interests, backgrounds and strengths of each teacher can contribute to a project. If teachers work in a team, they can delegate tasks according to the personality and expertise of each team member. This type of teamwork contributes to a greater sense of trust and accountability, and it allows teachers to feel confident about contributing their most dynamic skills toward school improvement.

When you pursue an online master’s degree in education, you may examine the benefits of teacher collaboration. When educators work together, they form important professional and personal relationships. Teachers often draw support from each another and can delegate tasks that allow each teacher to feel effective. Collaboration between teachers contributes to school improvement and student success.

Learn more about the Arkansas State University online MSE in Educational Leadership program.


AMLE: Teacher Collaboration: Keys to Common Core Success

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