The importance of leadership in education | A-State Online
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Arkansas State University

The importance of leadership in education


Educational leaders help navigate schools through bureaucratic and political issues

Schools today operate in complex environments. For teachers and school administrators to effectively complete their mission of educating students, they must be able to lead more than just a classroom lesson. Today’s educators must develop the leadership skills to direct organizational change, craft cooperative agreements with other stakeholders and navigate challenges at the school, local, state and federal levels. A Master of Science in Education in Educational Leadership helps educational professionals develop these skills and forge networks across institutional and political boundaries.

Curriculum for an MSE in Educational Leadership

An educational leadership degree prepares educators and administrators to become leaders through a combination of relevant coursework and networking experiences. Typical subjects covered in the MSE in Educational Leadership program include:

  • Theories and ethics of leadership
  • School and community relations
  • Philosophies of education and theories of instruction
  • School-related legal issues
  • Administration and supervision
  • Planning and allocation of resources
  • Research and evaluation methods

How the MSE in Educational Leadership degree builds leadership skills

Professionals who pursue advanced study in the field by obtaining an MSE in Educational Leadership degree foster skills related to coalition building, advocacy and communication. Degree candidates enhance their cultural competency and deepen their content knowledge. Through the course of the degree program, emerging leaders learn how to better work across organizational boundaries and improve partnerships, policy and practice. Leaders learn how to better forge meaningful agreements with parents, school boards, fellow faculty, community organizations and state agencies.

An MSE in Educational Leadership program can help prepare professionals in education fields and beyond for the complexities of modern circumstances and the myriad challenges encountered in schools throughout the country. Educational leaders at the local level, from teachers and principals to superintendents and school board members, must be prepared to lead their organizations through change. Leaders at all levels must be equipped to navigate bureaucratic and political hurdles as school systems face increased scrutiny and decreased resources. Professionals seeking to develop these critical skills can do so through an online Master of Science in Education degree that focuses on educational leadership.

Learn more about the A-State online MSE in Educational Leadership program.


Educational Leadership – A Challenging Environment, Preparing Recruiting and Sustaining School Leaders, Leadership in the Twenty-First Century

Institute for Educational leadership

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