Career Settings for Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioners
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Arkansas State University

What Settings Can Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioners Work in?

According to HealthAffairs, by 2030, there will be more U.S. citizens older than 65 than those younger than five — making those over 65 nearly 20% of the population, which means the need for healthcare providers who can care for older adults is increasing. Adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioners (AG-ACNP) can work in various settings, making a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) in Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner degree an attractive and versatile path.

AG-ACNPs can be hired into different roles, meaning they can provide coverage for a small or lengthy duration of time. Additionally, they can be placed in a particular specialty within the scope of healthcare practice. Ultimately, this is a highly flexible, desirable position with significant demand across the U.S.

The Job of an AG-ACNP

According to American Nurse, “AG-ACNPs manage patients based on their acuity and needs, not the setting. They care for adolescents, adults and geriatric patients in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings.”

This means the nurse practitioner stays with their assigned individual throughout that patient’s recovery process. If a patient is first cared for in the emergency room by an AG-ACNP, they continue to receive the same care from them after returning home and until their condition has improved.

With this care model, AG-ACNPs get to know the patients they serve. They can form connections with their patients through compassionate care and consistent communication regarding a patient’s prognosis. Additionally, they have unique skills in caring for geriatric patients with chronic and acute illnesses.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) offers a comprehensive description of a nurse practitioner’s role in healthcare: “Nurse practitioners (NPs) serve as primary and specialty care providers, delivering advanced nursing services to patients and their families. They assess patients, determine how to improve or manage a patient’s health, and discuss ways to integrate health promotion strategies into a patient’s life.”

Many people believe the role of a nurse practitioner is limited to serving patients in healthcare facilities, but this is far from the truth. They have multiple avenues to conduct their health practice.

Work Environments Suitable for AGACNPs

AG-ACNPs are known to work in various types of environments within the healthcare profession. Therefore, each nurse practitioner can select the setting that suits them best, depending on their career goals and personal preferences.

However, there are important elements to consider. For example, AG-ACNPs may not have conventional nurse practitioner hours and sometimes work during weekends and holidays, as well as early or late hours. Many are required to be on call in order to properly care for their patients.

Yet, there are benefits to the number of settings available to AG-ACNPs. These professionals can work in emergency rooms, ICUs, urgent care facilities, long-term care facilities and specialty medical offices (like dermatology and nephrology).

Plus, the job outlook for the nurse practitioner field is lucrative. The BLS states that “overall employment of nurse practitioners is projected to grow 45% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.”

Given that data, it’s understandable more individuals are interested in working in this field. The benefits this career offers and the workforce outlook make it a perfect fit for those dedicated to caring for patients with chronic and acute illnesses.

Cultivate Compassion With an MSN Degree

A key characteristic among AG-ACNPs is pure compassion. To make the most of your future career as an AG-ACNP, cultivate that compassion by earning your MSN degree in this field. Those who enroll in the MSN Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner online program at Arkansas State University will strengthen their healthcare expertise and meet the rising demands of care in the U.S. today.

In as few as 24 months, graduates will elevate their ability to care for adolescent, adult and geriatric patients with chronic, acute and critical illnesses. Graduates from this program will also be ready for two national board certification exams: the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). This ensures that graduates will be accredited by these associations and continue gaining expertise in the field. Additionally, they will develop knowledge for advanced nursing and leadership roles in the healthcare system.

Each future AG-ACNP leader will obtain the knowledge required to not only secure top positions in their field but also develop patient-centered care for diverse populations, ensuring nurse practitioners honor the unique characteristics of all communities across the nation.

Learn more about Arkansas State University’s online MSN Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner online program.

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