Job Options with a Master’s Degree in Sport Administration
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Arkansas State University

Job Options for Those with a Master’s Degree in Sport Administration

Entering the world of sports is as competitive as an athletic showdown. There are many ways to break into this high-energy industry, but earning a Master of Science in Sport Administration degree provides an edge when it comes to obtaining sport management jobs.

Possible career paths range from local recreation centers to nationally revered sports teams. From daily operations to special events planning and even to marketing, there are many options for people wanting a career in athletics without being a professional athlete.

Fitness and country clubs

A master’s degree in sport administration combines studies in management, public relations and business, making it a very valued asset when applying for jobs running large clubs. Fitness and health clubs operate like most other businesses that provide a service, only with the added challenge of athleticism. The people in charge of everyday operations have to be savvy with what equipment needs to be replaced or purchased, follow trends to keep programs fresh, and manage a busy staff.

Country clubs, on the other hand, cater to amateur, semi-professional and professional athletes. They usually uphold very high standards, thus needing educated managers who understand the clientele, are personable and pay close attention to details. A graduate degree can help those managers hone the necessary skills to keep clubs running smoothly.

Collegiate athletic departments

It can be argued that college sports have the most devoted and dedicated fans. A good team can fill stadiums and bleachers without even trying, or so it appears. Universities have many people working for the teams in addition to the coaching staff.

There are people in charge of scheduling travel, ticket sales, marketing and advertising, and special events. There are also groups and organizations who coordinate tournaments and competitions. They may not work for any specific team or school, but they are responsible for making sure games and matches take place.

Facilities operations

Not every sport management job is for a major team. All stadiums and arenas where teams practice and play need to be staffed. Events at these facilities need to be promoted, too. The person heading operations can be responsible for many different aspects of running a popular venue.

And for those who want these same duties and responsibilities on a community level, recreation centers and youth programs offer great opportunities. People who want to make a difference in their own neighborhoods can find great satisfaction in these types of careers.

Sports is big business with many players behind the scenes. In fact, the players on the field or court often are just a small part of a well-organized system of talented marketers, managers, directors and staff.

People who seek sport management jobs enjoy athletics from casual kids’ games to collegiate football to professional sports like minor and major leagues. A master’s degree in sports administration can be a valuable tool in scoring one of these highly sought-after jobs.

Learn more about the A-State online MS in Sport Administration program.


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