Supply Chain manager talking to worker in warehouse

Bachelor of Science in Global Supply Chain Management Online

Sourcing, manufacturing, moving and delivering goods across the world in a timely, cost-efficient manner has a huge impact on corporate success. Gain an overarching business perspective and specialized skills in this high-demand field.

Next Apply Date: 5/12/25
Next Class Start Date: 5/27/25
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Next Apply Date: 5/12/25
Next Class Start Date: 5/27/25

Program Overview

Gain in-demand global supply chain insights in this bachelor's program

Speed-to-market initiatives and global competition have increased the demand for supply chain specialists. Gain a solid business foundation and the ability to manage and improve the supply chain process from both an operational and analytical perspective in the Bachelor of Science in Global Supply Chain Management online program.

Designed for working adults, this AACSB-accredited program addresses inventory control, purchasing, transportation and international logistics to give you both a macro and micro understanding of this critical business sector. Affordable, accelerated courses are 100% online. Transfer up to 90 credit hours to save even more time and money on this high-demand degree.

In this online supply chain management bachelor’s degree program, you will:

  • Examine the process of supplying products to consumers in a timely, efficient manner
  • Utilize tools and knowledge to manage an effective, well-run supply chain
  • Plan, organize and manage logistics activities within the supply chain
  • Apply methods for effectively evaluating suppliers within the purchasing function
  • Manage supply chain optimizations using appropriate tools and technology
  • Realize the impact of supply chain management on the overall enterprise, including the differences between domestic and international supply chains
  • Examine the process of supplying products to consumers in a timely, efficient manner
  • Utilize tools and knowledge to manage an effective, well-run supply chain
  • Plan, organize and manage logistics activities within the supply chain
  • Apply methods for effectively evaluating suppliers within the purchasing function
  • Manage supply chain optimizations using appropriate tools and technology
  • Realize the impact of supply chain management on the overall enterprise, including the differences between domestic and international supply chains

Prepare for a range of operational and analytical roles in supply chain management, such as:

  • Warehouse Manager
  • Purchasing Agent
  • Supply Chain Analyst
  • Procurement Specialist
  • Logistics Manager
  • Warehouse Manager
  • Purchasing Agent
  • Supply Chain Analyst
  • Procurement Specialist
  • Logistics Manager

Gain the knowledge and industry-relevant skills that employers seek:

  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Operations
  • Customer service
  • Transportation
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Operations
  • Customer service
  • Transportation

Also available:

A-State offers a variety of undergraduate programs in a convenient online format. Explore our full range of online undergraduate programs.

Per Credit Tuition: $282
Transfer Credits: Up to 90 hours
Credit Hours 120
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Benefit from affordable tuition and a generous transfer policy

Our B.S. in Global Supply Chain Management online program offers the same affordable tuition to all U.S. residents. All fees are included. Tuition may be subject to change on a yearly basis.

Tuition breakdown:

Per Credit Hour: $282
Tuition Per Course: $846

Transfer your credits for lower tuition

Use our Tuition Estimator to see how affordable your degree could be. Slide the notch to the number of credits you've already earned—which may qualify for transfer credit—to get an estimate of what your degree might cost.

Transfer Credits: 45
Your Estimated Tuition: $21,150
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Transcripts sent from other colleges and universities will be evaluated, and accepted credits will be added to the student's A-State record. The Tuition Estimator is not a guarantee or predictor of the number of credit hours that will be accepted.

You may be closer to Graduation than you think!

A-State-approved credit for prior learning recognizes your previous accomplishments, reducing your tuition costs and time to graduation.


Choose from multiple start dates

Earn your B.S. in Global Supply Chain Management on your schedule in a 100% online format featuring accelerated courses and multiple start dates per year.

TermProgram Start DateApplication DeadlineDocument DeadlineRegistration DeadlinePayment DueLast Class Day
Spring 23/10/252/24/252/28/253/6/253/7/255/2/25
Summer 15/27/255/12/255/16/255/22/255/23/256/27/25
Summer 26/30/256/16/256/20/256/26/256/27/258/1/25
Fall 18/20/258/6/258/8/258/14/258/15/2510/3/25
Fall 210/13/259/29/2510/3/2510/9/2510/10/2512/5/25

Now enrolling:

Next Apply Date 5/12/25
Start Class 5/27/25

Have questions or need more information about A‑State online programs?

Ready to take the next step toward earning your degree online from A-State?


Follow these steps to apply to the global supply chain management online bachelor’s degree

A-State Online offers a streamlined admission process for both new students and transfers. Students who are interested in the online global supply chain management degree program should review and follow the requirements for admission below.

Admission Requirements:

  • Online application
  • Official transcripts
  • 2.0 GPA for transferring credits

There are several paths to admittance at A-State:

  • If you have 13 or more transferrable college credit hours, you would be admitted if you have a cumulative college GPA of at least 2.0 on previous college coursework
  • If you have 0-12 transferrable college credit hours and have been out of high school for five years or more, you would be admitted if you:
    • Have a high school diploma or state-approved equivalent
    • Have completed 12 or fewer earned college hours
    • Have never enrolled as a student at A-State
  • If you have 0-12 transferrable college credit hours and have been in high school within the last five years, you would be admitted if you have one of the following:
    • 3.0 cumulative high school grade point average (or GED test score equivalent), OR
    • 19 minimum ACT super score or minimum 990 combined SAT super score, OR
    • Class rank in the top 20% of your graduating class

Note: If you’re admitted as a non-traditional first-time freshman, you may be required to successfully complete a predesignated curriculum of 12 hours (Certificate or Non-Degree). Upon successful completion, you will be transitioned to a degree-seeking program.

Application Submission Requirements

Submitting your application takes three easy steps: filling out the application, submitting your documents and paying the application fee.

  1. When completing the online application, select 100% online student and then complete all the steps on the online application.
  2. Pay $30.00 non-refundable application fee.
  3. Submit all official college transcripts.
  4. Submit official high school transcripts (if applicable).
  5. Submit official ACT/SAT test scores (if applicable).

Note: If you have 0-12 transferrable college hours, test scores will still need to be submitted for reporting purposes to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE); however, they are not needed for an admission decision. Accuplacer test scores are an acceptable alternative to ACT/SAT scores.

If you have any questions along the way, call us at 866-621-8096, and we’ll be happy to help answer questions.

Document Submission Address

Submit all documents to:

A-State Online
P.O. Box 2520
State University, AR 72467

Fax: 870-972-3548

For Non-US Postal Mail Overnight Delivery Only:

A-State Online
c/o Central Receiving
2713 Pawnee St.
Jonesboro, AR 72401

A-State is ranked among the "Best Colleges for Business in America" by, 2025


Investigate your global supply chain management online courses

To earn your Global Supply Chain Management bachelor’s degree online, you need to complete 120 credit hours of coursework. The program includes 38 credit hours of general education courses, 60 credit hours of major courses and 22 credit hours of elective courses. Students can finish faster by transferring previously earned credit hours. Transfer credit hours will be evaluated during the admission process.

Visit the Course Registration page to view the course schedule for this degree.

You will take the first 12 courses listed below and select either STAT 2003 or ECON 2113, totaling 13 courses for 39 credit hours.

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to accounting and the accounting cycle includes focus on basic accounting and reporting for merchandising and service-oriented business organizations. Primary emphasis is on accounting principles applicable to measuring assets, liabilities, owners' equity and income. Special measurement problems for partnerships and corporations.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course covers basic accounting and reporting for manufacturing companies. The course is also devoted to managerial uses of accounting data for the decision-making function and to special accounting reports.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Theories and principles of written, interpersonal and oral communication.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Legal forms of American business organization, policies, methods and institutions involved in financing business are examined. The principles of financial management will be studied with emphasis on the corporation, including cash flows, securities, financial structures, expansion and acquisitions.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines aspects of moving raw materials and finished goods through the firm’s networks of warehousing, inventory control, materials management, and order processing. The student will examine trade off possibilities and management alternatives to minimize cost of production flow and to maximize customer service. Special course fees may apply. Prerequisite, MKTG 3013.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Students will learn basic computer skills that can be used immediately, throughout college and beyond. Emphasis is on learning basic office applications in word processing, spreadsheets, databases and presentation graphics.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Provides understanding of information needs of management, information technology used by various business subsystems, and how technology can be utilized for competitive advantage. Prerequisite: CIT 1503 or CS 1013.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Contemporary processes, methods, techniques, tools and datasets that organizations use to implement knowledge discovery projects; focus on development of critical thinking through use of in-depth assignments that utilize project management fundamentals. Prerequisites, ISBA 1503, ACCT 2033, ACCT 2133, and STAT 3233.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the fundamental elements of the Anglo American legal system and its common law origins. The scope of the course will include the application and operation of the legal system in the remedy of business disputes, the development and operation of the court system, and the regulation of American business and industry by the United States government.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an overview of foundational management principles, including internal and external assessment and planning, organization structure and design, leadership and motivation, and decision and control processes.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Designed to give students the opportunity to study administrative processes under conditions of uncertainty including an integrating analysis applied to all fields of business. Special emphasis is given to policy determination at the overall management level.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines business activities performed which direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user in order to satisfy customers and accomplish company objectives.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Statistical methods used in studying business and economic data, averages and dispersions, probability, sampling, statistical inference, estimation, tests of hypotheses, index numbers, linear regression and correlation. Fall, Spring, Summer.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Survey course designed for students to become familiar with the usefulness of statistics in solving real world problems. Includes sampling, observational studies and designed experiments, regression, graphical descriptive methods, measures of cen­tral tendency and variation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to transportation systems with emphasis on the sig­nificance of transportation in the business and economic environment. The course is designed to familiarize students with a development of our transportation network, transportation prices, rate theory, and regulatory policies and procedures. Fall, Spring. Special course fees may apply. Prerequisite: ECON 2323.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course addresses the concepts, prin­ciples, and methods used to plan, organize, and manage logistics activities in the supply chain. Prerequisite: GCSM 3163.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course addresses strategic and operational aspects of purchasing functions in private and public organizations. Emphasis is placed on development and evaluation of supplier.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Systematic review of concepts involved in supply chain outsourcing, with emphasis on the selection of service suppliers, the organized movement of goods between firms in more than one nation, and the unique aspects of international logistic processes. Prerequisites: GCSM 3163 or MKTG 4113 or MKTG 4123.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Statistical analysis and critical thinking to improve business strategies and decisions.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the basic optimization methods in solving a variety of business problems, including linear programming, integer programming, network models, stochastic programming, and multicriteria optimization methods. Emphasis on the use of computer software in performing business optimization analysis.

Select one of the following six courses:

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Accounting issues from the viewpoint of the manager. Examination of costing techniques, cost behavior, cost volume profit relationships, and budgeting. Emphasis is on use of relevant information in decision making for managers. Prerequisites, ACCT 2133, MATH 1023 or higher, and ISBA 1503; all with a “C” or better. Fall, Summer.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Economic theory and history of international trade. Topics such as comparative advantage, the effect of protectionism and determination of exchange rates will be emphasized.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course provides an understanding of the technologies behind E-commerce and how they enable the delivery of goods and services using electronic formats in a global context. Pre/Co-requisite, ISBA 3013.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Provides students with the information needed to manage a project within a business environment. Students will work a project simulation through the project management cycle from project team selection to project implementation. Taken during last semester or with instructor permission. Pre/Co-requisite, ISBA 3013. Spring.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Systematic review of international environment forces and their influence on all management areas of the international firms, organizational structures, human resources, logistics, laws, and policy. Summer.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Exporting and importing products, as well as the management of international operations. These include all phases of business activity related to operating marketing and sales facilities abroad, establishing production or assembly facilities in foreign areas, and creating licensing arrangements.

You must take 22 credit hours of electives to satisfy the 120 credit hours required for this program. Courses may be chosen with the assistance of an advisor and per your degree plan. Electives can come from any courses offered so long as prerequisites are met.

Students must take the following courses.

First-year course - Students must take the following First Year Experience Business online course. If you transfer in more than 12 credit hours, you will not be required to take this course. You may replace that 3-hour course with a 3-hour elective course.

First-year course (3 hours)
BUSN 1003

Departmental (3 hours)
COMS 1203

Communication Requirement (6 hours)
ENG 1003
ENG 1013

Mathematics Requirement (3 hours)
Students must take MATH 1023 or any MATH course that requires MATH 1023 as prerequisite.

Arts and Humanities Requirement (6 hours)
ART 2503, MUS 2503, or THEA 2503
ENG 2003, ENG 2013, or PHIL 1103

Social Sciences Requirement (9 hours)
ECON 2313
ECON 2323
POSC 2103

Life Science Requirement (4 hours)
Students must complete BIO 1003 with BIO 1001 lab.

Physical Sciences Requirement (4 hours)
Students must complete CHEM 1043 with CHEM 1041 lab.

Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to visual art for all students regardless of background or experience. Students learn how to develop cognitive and experiential responses to works of art. This course is for non-art majors and does not meet general education requirements for any degree in Art. Fall, Spring, Summer.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Required course for all first semester freshmen. Course content is centered around the skills and knowledge needed to be a successful ASU student, including academic performance, problem solving, critical thinking, self-management and group building skills, university policies, and other relevant issues.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 1
Laboratory, must be taken with BIO 1003. There will be a fee when purchasing the LabKit. Please visit the tuition and fees page for pricing.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The major characteristics and processes of life emphasizing the human organism. Promotes understanding of diversity and unity among living organisms with focus on ecological interactions and responsibilities of people within their social and natural environment. Lecture three hours per week. Special course fees may apply. Must be taken with BIO 1001.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 1
Special course fees apply. Prerequisite or co-requisite of CHEM 1043. Fall only.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to selected fundamental concepts including dimensional analysis, mole concept, atomic and molecular structure, nomenclature, chemical reactions, thermochemistry, intermolecular interactions, gases, mixtures, kinetics, equilibrium and acid base chemistry. Fall only.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The theory and practice of communication in interpersonal, small groups, and public speaking contexts, emphasizing proficiency in message organization, delivery, and critical thinking.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines national income accounting, inflation and unemployment, competing theories of national income, fiscal policy, the Federal Reserve System and monetary policy, and international trade.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Principles of resource allocation, supply and demand, consumer behavior, costs of production, the competitive model, oligopoly, and factor markets are examined.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Study and practice of fundamentals of written communication, including principles of grammar, punctuation, spelling, organization, and careful analytical reading. Prerequisite, with grade of C or better, for ENG 1013.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Continues the practice of ENG 1003 to develop further the skills learned in that course. Based on reading and discussion of various types of writing, the students’ essays will provide practice in different kinds of rhetorical development, including research and documentation.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the analysis and interpretation of literary works from several historical periods ranging from early civilizations through the Renaissance.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to the analysis and interpretation of literary works from several historical periods ranging from the Renaissance to the present.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices, and miscellaneous topics. No credit given if taken following MATH 1054.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to music for the listener who has had no formal training or experience. By exploring the history of Western Art music, learners will begin to connect the development of music with the changing of society and culture.
Duration: Varies weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Basic problems of philosophy based upon readings in the works of selected leading philosophers. A prerequisite for upper level philosophy. Fall, Spring.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
American politics. The constitution, government, and politics of the United States.
Duration: 7 weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Provides students with an appreciation of how various artistic elements combine to produce theatrical productions. Fall, Spring, Summer.
"I have found at Arkansas State that my online professors have been more accommodating and willing to help than my on-campus professors were in the past. That blew my mind."
Brittany Westmoreland, B.A. in Communication Studies online graduate

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