The Value of Home Visits | A-State Online
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Arkansas State University

The Value of Home Visits

Family engagement is vital to improving student education in today’s schools. Traditionally, this engagement begins with parent-teacher meetings and teacher nights, which require families to take time out of their regular schedules. This can be a problem for low-income and disadvantaged families because parents often work long hours across multiple jobs; this makes school visits difficult or downright impossible. Teachers, however, can take more responsibility for family engagement by making home visits and being sensitive to parents’ needs.

The home visit is also particularly valuable for special education families because special education parents and educators must collaborate on the creation and maintenance of special education students’ Individualized Education Programs (IEP). By enrolling in an online Master of Science in Special Education degree program, candidates can expect to learn about the importance of home visits and the value of sensitivity to parents’ and students’ needs.

The Importance of Family Engagement in Education

Students are more likely to succeed academically when they have support both in the classroom and at home. However, without a relationship with their children’s teachers, families lack the resources they need to support their children properly. Through positive family engagement, teachers can share learning goals and instructional methods to encourage consistency between the two learning environments.

Creating an Inclusive and Collaborative Educational Environment Through Home Visits

To be effective, educators must be sensitive to the needs of both students and their families. A single mom working two jobs might not be able to make time for a parent-teacher meeting. Yet, collaboration between parents and teachers supports both improved student education and teacher development — parents can offer teachers a deeper understanding of students’ unique situations and needs. To accommodate families’ schedules and promote engagement with their students’ education, teachers should make time to visit families at home. This demonstrates that schools value family engagement, and it encourages families to commit to the development of students’ learning.

Home Visits and Special Education

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) established clear parameters for the education of students with disabilities. A central tenet of the act is collaboration between family, administrators and teachers to develop and maintain a unique IEP for each student. The family should participate in every aspect of the student’s personalized education. They are a valuable resource, and they can help educators and administrators understand students’ individual needs and learning styles. Educators, in turn, must communicate the instructional strategies families should use at home, as well as what to expect from assessment plans, adaptive strategies and technologies.

Home visits play an important role in family engagement, and they can be a valuable tool for improving student learning. Degree candidates for an online Master of Science in Special Education can expect to study the theories, applications and best practices of home visits for both general and special education classrooms.

Learn more about the A-State online MSE — Special Ed — Instructional Specialist K-12 program.


Education World: Home Visits Forge School, Family Links

EdSource: Home Visits Are Key to Kids’ Success

Southwest Educational Development Laboratory: Partners in Education: A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships

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