The Online Accelerated Early Childhood Services Masters Degree at Astate
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Arkansas State University

Get Your Early Childhood Services Masters Degree in A Year

In as few as twelve months, even a busy teacher can earn an early childhood services master’s degree. Students who graduate with a Master of Science in Early Childhood Services degree from Arkansas State University are ready to design and manage a childcare or preschool program, select appropriate curricula, and provide effective staff training.

Online Program Design

The early childhood master’s degree program is a series of ten classes. Professors conduct the tightly integrated, three-hour classes in an online format. By participating in this online program, working students can avoid the inconvenience of commuting to campus, and they are free to create a schedule that suits their needs.

Each online course maximizes students’ time by relying on technology to connect students to each other and their instructors. Students view lectures remotely, and they review accompanying slides and review materials online. Students read and post on discussion boards, posing questions and participating in conversations about course content. These boards also make collaborative exercises possible for groups of students who may live anywhere in the world.


Understanding the administrative issues and organization of a childcare or preschool setting is critical to graduates’ success. Courses include research-based information about early childhood education. Students interested in early childhood administration will study curricular models best suited for young children and professional approaches to working with families and communities.

In addition, the program incorporates practicum experience. Students will apply the theories and practices they study in their courses in community-based early childhood education settings. During this time, each student will develop and implement a unique research project. Students already working in the early childhood services field can tailor this project to meet the needs of their current positions.

Earning an early childhood services master’s degree may be the next step for a teacher looking for a leadership position in a preschool or daycare setting. Teachers can complete the required 30 hours of coursework in as little as one year without giving up their existing careers. The convenient online setting qualifies graduates to manage vibrant settings that meet the emotional and educational needs of young children and families.

Learn more about Arkansas State University’s Online Master of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education program.

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