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Arkansas State University


Courtney Bracy

Courtney Bracy, instructor, A-State online BGS program

"I enjoy my time with my students and feel gratified when I can pass my knowledge and experiences on to them or assist them in any way. There is nothing like seeing a previous student succeed in their career and enjoy their happy life!"

Degrees Held:

  • MBA — Arkansas State University, 2003
  • B.S. in Business Education — Arkansas State University, 2001

Career Highlights:

9+ Years in Higher Education: integrative studies and business instructor with emphasis on professional development, critical thinking, communication, first-year studies and online learning. Background in assessment, academic advising, business education, career services and school accreditation. Apple Teacher Certified.

  • ​In which online degree programs do you teach?

    Bachelor of General Studies

  • Which classes do you teach online?

    Making Connections, Critical Thinking in the Profession, Seminar in Professional Development

  • What do you want students to learn in your classes?

    My students learn how to succeed as online learners in my Making Connections class. In Critical Thinking, students evaluate and improve their own thinking techniques and have professional, civil conversations about current social issues. Students prepare for the workforce and/or graduate school in my Professional Development class.

  • ​What qualities make someone particularly successful in this area?

    General Studies is so broad, since students can chose from several emphasis areas. However, there are certain skills any of our students should master before entering the workforce. Excellent communication and listening skills are crucial to success. Critical thinking and problem-solving without supervision are important skills to all employers. Ability to adapt to changes and keep a positive attitude are imperative in the workforce. A successful employee has to also have a stellar work ethic to go far in their career.

  • Why did you start teaching?

    I always knew that my career should revolve around helping people in some way. After some soul searching (and changing my major a few times!), I set my sights on working in higher education. I enjoy my time with my students and feel gratified when I can pass my knowledge and experiences on to them or assist them in any way. There is nothing like seeing a previous student succeed in their career and enjoy their happy life!

  • What advice would you give to those considering this program?

    Online education offers many benefits over traditional education, such as flexible study hours and accelerated classes. It is perfect for students that work full-time and/or have families. However, it takes a lot of motivation and dedication. Since the classes are accelerated, you have half the time the in-class students have to master the same amount of course content. You must log into the learning management system to work on your classes daily. It's up to you to keep up with the professor's pace, so work hard!

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