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Arkansas State University

How to Build a Career in Construction Management

Construction management is an expansive field with many different opportunities, which can make it difficult to understand where to start. These professionals oversee the planning, designing and building phases of construction work. From coordinating subcontractors to communicating with manufacturers, construction managers are responsible for all the tasks in any construction project.

This article outlines the basics of becoming a construction manager and ways the online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Construction Management program from Arkansas State University (A-State) can help you take the first steps.

What Is Construction Management?

Professionals who work in this industry make sure that projects are completed safely, efficiently, on time and within the limits of the expected budget. A construction manager represents an owner’s interests and wears many hats throughout a project, depending on the stage and current news. They collaborate with architects and engineers during the planning phase and provide valuable input on project feasibility, scheduling and budgeting.

As the project progresses, they manage subcontractors, schedule deliveries and monitor progress to ensure everything stays on track. Additionally, construction managers direct communications between the project team and other managers, keeping everyone informed about last-minute details such as project milestones, potential delays and budget adjustments.

Their leadership skills come into play as they motivate teams, resolve conflicts and make crucial decisions to keep the project moving forward smoothly. Critical to all steps of a construction project, construction managers are integral to the field.

What Is the Job Outlook for Construction Managers?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there’s good news for those interested in construction management careers. BLS reports that job openings in this field will increase by 5% through 2032. This growth rate is faster than the average of all occupations.

BLS claims that 505,800 construction managers were employed in the U.S. in 2022 and earned an annual median wage of $101,480. However, professionals in this field must hold various skills and qualifications. The following are steps that can help you get started:

  • Get a bachelor’s degree: To become a construction manager, you usually need a bachelor’s degree. As BLS notes, you can get a bachelor’s degree in construction management, engineering or even business to qualify for the role of construction manager. A-State’s online B.S. in Construction Management program is ideal for this educational step.
  • Get some experience: Many construction managers start out working in the industry and learning the ropes on the job. Hands-on experience is valuable when you’re overseeing projects later on. A-State’s program offers a Construction Management Internship course that provides students with practical, on-the-job experience.
  • Enroll in legit certification programs: While not always required, getting certified as a construction manager can boost your credentials and show employers that you’re serious about your career. Make sure to choose certifications with a good reputation in the industry so you can proudly add them to your resume.
  • Develop strong communication skills: Construction managers need to be able to communicate effectively with everyone involved in a project, from contractors to clients. Being able to convey information clearly and resolve conflicts diplomatically is essential. A-State’s online B.S. in Construction Management program requires students to complete foundational communication courses that address this skill.
  • Network and stay updated: Connecting with other industry professionals and staying on top of innovations is vital. Use LinkedIn to build a community of construction professionals, attend industry events and conferences, and attend job fairs.

Prepare for Success in the Online B.S. in Construction Management Program From A-State

A-State’s online B.S. in Construction Management program offers a unique blend of business, construction, engineering and architecture studies, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the field. This integrated approach equips graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in leadership positions within the construction industry.

One of the key benefits of earning this degree online is the flexibility it offers. Students can continue working while completing their studies, allowing them to apply what they learn to their job roles immediately.

The Future of Construction Management

A career in construction management can be an exciting opportunity if you are looking for a way to enter the construction field with varied responsibilities and leadership opportunities. A-State’s online B.S. in Construction Management program provides a clear road to success, equipping students with the skills and expertise needed to thrive in this dynamic field.

If you’re ready to take the next step toward your career in construction management, consider enrolling in A-State’s innovative program today. With the right education and training, aspiring construction managers can embark on a rewarding career path and oversee projects that shape our society.

Learn more about A-State’s online Bachelor of Science in Construction Management program.

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