Arkansas State University
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"I want students to learn and develop the skills, knowledge and competencies to living a healthy and physically active life."
Degrees Held:
Career Highlights:
Blair Dean is a professor in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Sport Sciences at Arkansas State University. Professionally, she has taught at the preschool, elementary, secondary and university levels. She currently is the program director for physical education at Arkansas State University. Dean has been recognized for her expertise and commitment in teaching by the Arkansas Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AR-AHPERD) as Physical Educator of the Year and has been the past recipient of the Arkansas State University College of Education Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Dean has become nationally known for her expertise in physical activity integration for young children. She has shared this knowledge with colleagues internationally, nationally, regionally and in the Natural State. This scholarship recognition has led to her national consultant work, and has been a speaker at more than 100 workshops and clinics. She is the author of "ACADEMOTION: 100 Action-Packed Activities for Teachers of Young Children" and several published articles on innovative physical activity techniques for young children. Dean recently received the most prestigious Honor award given by AR-AHPERD for her outstanding service. She has served as chairman of The Arkansas Governor's Council on Fitness since 2005 and the Arkansas representative for the National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity. Additionally, she served on the Child Health Advisory Committee, a committee mandated by Act 1220 (a multi-pronged initiative with one goal in mind: to improve the health of Arkansas children.) and charged with making recommendation on the implementation of Act 1220. Blair received the 2015 President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Community Leadership Award. A wife, mother of two young men and an enthusiastic marathoner, she leads an active lifestyle and encourages a healthy way of life to people of all ages and abilities.
In which online degree programs do you teach?
Bachelor of General Studies and the Interdisciplinary Studies program
Which classes do you teach online?
First Aid and Safety; Physical Education Curriculum
What do you want students to learn in your classes?
I want students to learn and develop the skills, knowledge and competencies to living a healthy and physically active life.
What advice would you give to those considering this program?
The best advice I got when considering going back to school was "Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; so put that passing time to the best possible use."
Why did you start teaching?
I wanted to empower students to participate in physical activity and understand how this influences their own well-being and that of others. I lead by example, demonstrating the benefits of an active life style. I hope this encourages others to participate in sport, dance, exercise, recreation and adventure pursuits.
What is the one book you think everyone should read?
"Chop Wood Carry Water" by Jon Gordon
Tell us something your students may not know about you:
My first music festival was Bonnaroo in 2014. I've completed 70+ marathons.
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Jonesboro, Arkansas | 866-621-8096 866-621-8096
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